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DOS Batch File
150 lines
@echo off
echo ARJSORT 2.21, ARJ file sorting tool, Copyright (c) 1990,91 Robert K. Jung
echo .
if "%1"=="" goto param_error
if "%2"=="" goto sort_start
if %2==/A goto sort_start
if %2==/a goto sort_start
if %2==/C goto sort_start
if %2==/c goto sort_start
if %2==/D goto sort_start
if %2==/d goto sort_start
if %2==/E goto sort_start
if %2==/e goto sort_start
if %2==/F goto sort_start
if %2==/f goto sort_start
if %2==/O goto sort_start
if %2==/o goto sort_start
if %2==/P goto sort_start
if %2==/p goto sort_start
if %2==/R goto sort_start
if %2==/r goto sort_start
if %2==/S goto sort_start
if %2==/s goto sort_start
if %2==/T goto sort_start
if %2==/t goto sort_start
goto param_error
echo Getting current order of archive: %1
arj v %1 -jv1 -jp- > arjsort.$$1
if errorlevel 1 goto arj_error
if "%2"=="" goto sort_path
if %2==/A goto sort_attr
if %2==/a goto sort_attr
if %2==/C goto sort_crc
if %2==/c goto sort_crc
if %2==/D goto sort_date
if %2==/d goto sort_date
if %2==/E goto sort_ext
if %2==/e goto sort_ext
if %2==/F goto sort_file
if %2==/f goto sort_file
if %2==/O goto sort_ratio
if %2==/o goto sort_ratio
if %2==/P goto sort_path
if %2==/p goto sort_path
if %2==/R goto r_sort_path
if %2==/r goto r_sort_path
if %2==/S goto sort_size
if %2==/s goto sort_size
if %2==/T goto sort_time
if %2==/t goto sort_time
goto param_error
echo Sorting by pathname
echo .
SORT /+122 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by pathname
echo .
SORT /+122 %2 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by attribute
echo .
SORT /+69 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by CRC
echo .
SORT /+60 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by date/time modified
echo .
SORT /+41 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by file extension
echo .
SORT /+81 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by filename
echo .
SORT /+89 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by compression ratio
echo .
SORT /+36 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by original file size
echo .
SORT /+14 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
echo Sorting by time modified
echo .
SORT /+51 %3 < arjsort.$$1 > arjsort.$$$
goto sort_finish
if errorlevel 1 goto sort_error
arj o %1 -!! -jp- !arjsort.$$$
if errorlevel 1 goto arj_error
goto stop
echo ARJ error processing %1
goto stop
echo Sort error processing %1
goto stop
echo . Usage: ARJSORT archive [/order] [/r]
echo . Where /order is one of the following:
echo .
echo . /a = attribute /o = ratio
echo . /c = crc /p = pathname
echo . /d = date/time /s = size
echo . /e = extension /t = time
echo . /f = filename
echo .
echo . [/r]everse, if specified, must be the last option.
if exist arjsort.$$1 del arjsort.$$1 > NUL
if exist arjsort.$$$ del arjsort.$$$ > NUL
if exist arjsort.bak del arjsort.bak > NUL